Saturday, August 20, 2011

Something that made my Night!!!

Well, I was sitting here reading stalking all the nail blogs I read and I decided to check my own blog. I was going to post something, but I have to water mark the pictures first...  Oh the joys of water marking. Anyways, I decided to update my wish list. As I was scrolling down my blog I realized I had a FOLLOWER!!!!!! AHH I literally screamed in joy!! I have only been blogging for about two maybe almost three months and honestly I didn't excepted to be out there in nail blogging world by now. But tonight reminded me that hard work and committing myself to writing does pay off. I definitely needed to be reminded of this tonight, because I start school back Monday. I have been dreading all week getting back to pains and aggravation of school life. Plus school seems like it is going to be harder this year and I am also planning of going to college when I graduate high school. So I have all the stress of that lovely stuff going on in my life. I have been praying God leads me in the direction I should go for college. But tonight was a little reminder that all my hard work will eventually pay off. It might not be quickly but eventually it will.

Thanks Jenna for following, you made my night.
XOXO's Love, Nail Polish and Smiles,

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